Renovapool - Mantenimiento de Piscinas

You are probably on this section, because you are not happy with the gardening, landscaping you are having at the moment.

Or you have just finished your construction, and need now to do the chocolate side to your property!

To do the landscaping, we believe it is important to talk to an experienced professional, not all builders are good gardeners as well!

To start, very important to take enough time and talk about all the posibilities, you yourself have got many ideas already.

Then it is important to see if all the dreams are easy to realize, or due to the circumstances (high winds, short water supply, too much maintenance etc)better to change or forget about!

Are you living here all year round, or only coming for some short visits. Is there enough budget for a good maintenance afterwards, or better to construct with materials like stones, gravel etc. To keep the maintenance as low as possible?

We are having many ideas, documentation and photos to advice you in the direction you could then go, always with possibilities to add on if desired.

We will always give you the first year a free maintenance, so any changes and improvements can be done within then.

An irrigation system will be installed naturally, anti herb blankets are used in the areas filled with gravel, and only environmental friendly chemicals will be used to maintain.

We also try not to offer you tropical woods were we donĀ“t know exactly where the come from.

Give us a change to make you an estimate, soon we will use a special landscaping software, in order to design you your gardens and surroundings as real as it can be done!